Thursday, August 21, 2014

Advice from a former teacher as another school year begins

I taught elementary school for several years before becoming  a stay at home mom.  Often I am asked for my prespective on education, parenting, etc... As we are approach a new school year I have a few words of wisdom to lend as both a parent and teacher.  I've listed my top recommendations for building a successful life long learner below.
  • Explore your child's interest with them.  Create opportunities to enrich their learning experiences.  For example, if your child is animal lover check out animal books from the library, visit the zoo or animal shelters, stop in at the pet store, research an animal on the internet and so forth. 
  • READ.  I can not emphasis the importance of reading enough.  Reading is essential to building vocabulary and background knowledge for further learning.  Set aside protected time each day for reading.  Make books available in your home for your child to explore.  Read to your child. Ask questions about what your child is reading.  Allow them to read to you too.  Model reading by reading yourself.
  • Get involved in your child's school.  There are many ways parents can contribute to their children's school.  Wether you choose to volunteer, donate to your child's classroom, chaperone field trips and/or attend PTO meetings your involvement will convey that you value what happens at school to your child.
  • You are your child's first teacher.  Parents will always have the most significant role in educating their children.  What we say and do are vital.  Our children are listening to our every word and watching our every step.  Learning happens everywhere not just at school.
May you and your children have a successful year of learning this school year.


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