Hollywood Housewife is one blog that I find myself returning to frequently. Laura, the writer is a wife to a director, mom to two littles, a writer and the kind of woman I wish I was friends with. Her blog is topical, whimsy, smart and well written. She posted a fun idea called "One Day." All you needed to do was snap pictures from your daily life and Instagram them with a hashtag so followers could check in throughout the day.
This is how my ONE DAY unfolded:
Every weekday morning includes prepping bags full of "our necessities."
Michael had pony pictures at school, he is sporting his farmer plaid for the occassion.
Arriving early to preschool means a quick peek at the beach. PCH was glorious.
The sky was lovely and the air was good for my soul.
Wednesdays include MOPS for me and a mid week trip to Trader Joe's.
Michael and Joe were in tow. Joseph was especially cranky and
Michael was full of energy...fun times!
This harvest salad was my lunch. It was delicious!
Dance time after school. My gal was all smiles for jazz class.
An evening cup of joe. Seriously, I needed a whole pot!
Dinner for the hubs and I being prepped.
The kids had pizza. While I wish I could get them to join us, salmon was out of the question.
Heading out to a PTO meeting. The trio saying their goodbyes.
I rarely leave the house at night these days so they were a bit clingy.
I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it.
The meeting was informative and so interesting...more on that later!
Home in time to tuck the trio in.
Asleep almost instantly. Long day for our Joseph.
This guy was all bright eyed and bushy tailed.
Wrapping up the day with a bowl of ice cream and reading in bed.
Scrolling through my day and those who participated in the Instagram One Day pics challenge was a a lot of fun. I am happy to have captured so many moments. And, I am a little sad to have missed a few too, like my husband coming in the door, the messy living room I came home to after the PTO meeting, etc...yet, I went to sleep feeling blessed and
connected to so many other moms.
While our photos were different I saw so many similarities. This season of life is always teaching me something too. Gotta say thanks to Laura for a great idea!
Loved #onedayhh