In general. our street is pretty quiet. This afternoon was a bit different. Slightly after one, we heard a ruckus outside. The kids ran to window to investigate. Bella yelled, "Mom, there is a GEYSER outside! I reached for the camera and we dashed out the door.
When the kids asked if they could get a little wet, I happily agreed.
Isabella and Michael ran up and down the street, splashing and giggling all the way.
The "geyser" provided us with a little excitement and fun on an otherwise quiet Tuesday.
Holidays have taken on a new meaning now that I am a mother of three.
Every holiday has to be celebrated in some sort of grand fashion.
Cupid has been slinging arrows and preparing for Valentines Day.
In fact, Isabella saw fit that her boyfriend at school get a few of his favorites for
Valentines Day too...yes, dad knows.
Everything is in place.
While it was a lot of fun this mom is ready for a long slumber. XO
Adding her special touch to cards
Isabella's school bag
Mailed a few postcards
Classmate Valentine's Day Bags
Made Mini Cheesecakes for MOPS
Pinterest Craft
Cookies for decorating at school
Hooray to Ralphs for the smart kits...cookies & frosting
Goodies from Grandma & Gramps
Isabella's gift to her boyfriend: 3 green cars (his favorite color is green), snacks (she insits he loves the Ritz crackers), crayons and markers (green thing again) and she thinks he likes kit kats too
Goodies for the trio upon waking up
Family dinner will be made simple and cozy and
decadent flourless chocolate cakes from Blackmarket Bakery will be served for dessert
We all were enchanted by the notion that we could use sugar substitutes guilt free. I joined the bandwagon and tore open blue and yellow packets sweetening up ice tea and coffee. I was in the dark as so many were/are about the ramifications to our health. The sugar substitutes, if harmful, couldn't be worse than using the real stuff, right? Wrong.
Why I am kicking "the other white stuff" out:
The Department of Health and Human Services have identified 90 different symptoms associated with the use of aspartame, sucralose and saccharin.
I am sharing this information because you owe it to yourself and the ones who love you to avoid and limit the consumption of man made sweetners. This is a different kind of post for me; I was prompted to share this while recently watching a beautiful mother of two putting six (yes, SIX) yellow packets of sweetner into grande cap.
It won't take long for your tastebuds to adjust and your body will pay you back with better overall health.